How to tackle kids of varied mindset


Wow! So cute they are
Bravo! They are full of Energy
Ohh God! The house is full messy
OH! So much nuisance they create
OMG! There’s no “ME” time left

If these are the phrases that capture your mind, then we have a list of ideas you can opt for. Below blog emphasizes on the varied nature of children and what action parents must take according to the child’s behavior.

  Is your child Cranky at shopping place or home (after few hours)?

We feel happy when we are with our friends. Same applies to the kids as well. They enjoy with each other and feel secluded with elders. You all might have experienced that your child becomes cranky at a shopping place or if it stays for a longer time with us at home. But if another kid comes to the shopping place or at our house, our child starts playing with that kid and all the crankiness is gone. So you can take your child to a garden or a park or to a neighbor where another child stays so that he is happy and less cranky. But if you are a working parent, then a day care or a play group will help achieve this. At a shopping place, you can carry his or her favorite toy so that the child can get engaged and will not be crabby. 

How to keep Kids away from Mobiles, Tablets or similar Gadgets?

Now-a-days all parents are facing a new problem of keeping the child away from the mobile phones. This time spent is considered to be the screen time. Keeping the child completely away from the cell phones is not possible, but we can try and reduce the screen time with the following 3 tips.

Top 3 Tips to reduce the screen time of Kids.

1)      Toy Library/ Toy on Rent/ Toy on Hire
Like elders, even a child’s mind needs to be kept busy in order to keep him happy. As how we feel blessed when we buy new things, similarly the child becomes anxious if he get a new toy to play. For 15 to 20 days the child is excited with that toy, but no sooner the toy becomes older for him/her and starts losing its interest from it. Also a parent cannot afford to buy a new toy every 15-20 days not just because of the cost but also due to space constraint. But we have a few shops online as well as offline where you can get toys on rent or toys on hire. Such shops are named as “Toy Library” .They have different rental plans and you can avail anyone from among them which suits your kid the most.
2)      Learning Subscription Boxes
Einstein box , FlintoboxCBSE Rocks and similar brands have started couriering toys, books and games as per the age group of your child. These are generally educational games which helps your child to learn many new things, improves their motor skills and most importantly keep them engaged and away from the mobiles or tablets for a longer time.
3)      Activity Center/ Hobby Class
Enroll them into an activity center where these kids could play or learn a few things. If your child is 2 years to 5 years you can go ahead with an activity center like the Daffodil Day Care and activity center in Thane. They have unique activities like playing with Clay, mud, sand, colors, photographic memory, audio video effects etc. They also have activities for kids above 5 years like yogasana, drawing, painting, coloring, art &craft etc. Click on the LINK to know more about it. If your Child is above 5 years then you can also enroll him/her to classes like music, dance, karate, singing, swimming, chess, abacus and the list goes on.

How to deal with Energetic Kids?

Many kids you find are although normal, but sometimes act weirdly. They are either too much talkative or too much mischievous. But this is because they are full of energy. Their minds are running at a higher speed and hence always curious to utilize that energy. But if they don’t know how to utilize it they run, talk, shout loudly, react loudly, jump and so we call them mischievous. But, it is we, who should channelize their energy by enrolling them to few classes such as dancing, karate, swimming, malkhamb etc. When enrolled in such classes, they could utilize their energy in learning something and can gain knowledge in a new stream which might help them in building a good personality in future. Such kids sometimes are considered to be mentally unstable as they are too anxious, so enrolling them to Yogasana, sanskar shibir, music classes, singing classes can help make their minds stable.

Is your child Shy or Quiet ?

A few kids are also observed to be very quiet or they could not speak properly or their pronunciations are not perfect. Then such kids start losing on their confidence, becomes shy and slowly start becoming introvert. But parents, closed ones, relatives and friends should keep on cheering them up by talking to them, praising them for small achievements. This will help them boost their inner strength. Enrolling into Sanskar Shibir, Music classes, Yogasana, Singing classes would be of great help to build self-confidence and improve speech in these kids.

How to remove fear from a Child’s mind?

Kids are often afraid of little things. My kid was a feared child, she use to be afraid of cooker whistle, swing, crackers, if anyone shouts loudly i.e. loud voice. I was much tensed how to get over it. Since childhood we have heard that we can overcome an obstacle only if we face it, so I slowly started taking her near the cooker whistle, crackers made her sit on the swing. Initially she cried loudly, she use to grab and hold us very tightly, but with every passing day, she got used to it and somewhere in her mind she understood that these things are not going to harm her and she finally got relieved from these fears. Also some kids do take time to overcome their fears, but time is the biggest solution on it. Also, sometimes, it is such, that initially the child wasn’t afraid of “A” thing, but as it grew, it gets afraid of it. But as explained you need to make the child face it, he/she may cry for the initial days, but later on get hands on it and they can gradually lose their fear.

As a parent we are always worried about our children. Due to tremendous competition, we do not want to lack behind in any effort that we make to keep our child up to the mark. But as read above, each child is different and every child is brilliant in some way or the other. It is not only the parents , but the child himself/ herself, teachers, neighbors, friends etc are equally responsible to identify that hidden talent. As we know a medicine can cure one person immediately, but the same medicine may take more time to cure another person. So do efforts to the best of your capacity and let time play its role as doing efforts is in your hands, but results can be quick or may be delayed, It’s all a time game after all.


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