How to make a Birthday celebration or an Event special & memorable

In my previous article of return gift ideas, I had mentioned to write on birthday celebration and their return gifts. So, here I am, again to enhance on celebration topics. Birthdays are special and we want to make its celebration also special, but due to time constraint we miss out on some planning, we don't get time to think on special gift ideas. In this blog we are trying to assist you with some special ideas of gifts and unique celebration ways. We have suggested different ideas in different events but they may not be specific to that event, you can use any of the idea to any of the event as per your choice.

First marriage anniversary

  • Anniversary and that too first is the day which all of us wants to celebrate in a way that it becomes memorable. I also wanted the same and so to make it special I mad a scrapbook on my own wherein all things which we did for the first time after our marriage were stuck eg. our first train ticket, or first movie ticket, photos of our first destination to picnic, pics of first dinner outing, image of the dish cooked together for the first time, our first joint bank account passbook, our first gold or silver or diamond shopping, our first festival celebration etc. there are a lot of things that are done for the first time together after your marriage and who is the best person other than you to know more in detail about these things.
  • A chocolate bouquet and a flower along with a small cake can be delivered to the person's office or home. A small card with kind words written by you or if you are an artist a small sketch or painting could add to the celebrations beauty. If you are a musician a song on the chords are sure to win hearts.
  • A beautiful sketch of both of you can be made and framed. 
  • A video of your journey of one year can be made and send via whats app, Facebook, email etc. Now-a-days, you can edit photos & videos on viva video very easily and quickly.
  • You can also make a tiktok video of birthday wishes for her and surprise her. 

25th Birthday or anniversary celebration

  • 25th birthday, silver jubilee, are milestones and we thrive to make these occasions special. A cake with 25 no. is the easiest thing. A Silver coin or biscuit or tray of 25 gms embedded with no. 25 or words "silver jubilee" on it can be gifted. 
  • A Single Newspaper can be published. In that you can collect all the pics upto 25 years and print them on a newspaper and write articles related to those pictures.
  • A magazine can be printed with all the pictures of them in different attires, different friend circle viz. school, college, residential friends, office colleagues, train groups etc. You can ask these friends to write a few words on the person and you can publish a magazine with these things.
  • Have a treasure hunt game and let them find a gift along with every clue. In this way you can give them 25 small gift items. If the person is going to be in the office you must take one of  the person's colleague with you to make this surprise awful. If the person is going to be with you then you can make this event happening.
If its a girl small gifts like lipgloss, lipliners, lipstick, lipbalms, eyeliners, eyeshadows, nailpaints, nail remover, mascara, foundation, clutches (purses), kajal, bracelet, bangles, earings, foundation, face wash, moisturizing creams, face pack, scrubs, regular whitening cream, pocket perfumes, a sexy top, pastry, chocolates cane be given as surprises with a next clue in it.

If its a boy items like, pen, headphones, wallets, handkerchief, pocket perfumes, tie, watch, fitbeat band, bracelet, t-shirt, pen-drive, mobile phone cover, pen stand, card holder, shaving foam, razor, after shaving cream, men's face wash, men's fairness cream, hair gels, sanitizer,  pastry, chocolates, key-chain, glares etc are fine to be gifted.

Moms Birthday or Dad's Birthday

Mom and Dad are the only people which remain with us through out our lives. They are the ones who have made us capable to face this world confidently and so their birthdays, anniversaries must be made special. And that too 60th birthday, 65th birthday, 80th birthday or even many more are the milestones of their life. This must be celebrated as a distinct event.
  • A small party to be organized with close family members at home. If you want to celebrate it on a large scale then you can even have a blast at a party hall.
  • Menu must be full as per the likeness of the person in focus.
  • You can have a small skit made wherein the persons behaviour, its favourite things, regular habits are described. 
  • A small movie with all his achievements, happy moments, travel times, cooking times, get together pictures are clubbed and made to display it on a big screen.
  • A clip from few people who stay far away from us and could not attend the event or who could still attend the event can be made wherein they will speak about that person.
  • A Thali decorated with the same number of Diyas as that of the year of birthday eg. 60 diyas for 60th birthday and so on. You can remove aarti of the person with that thali
  • 60 words which could explain the personality. 
  • A mug or a cushion with his nice clicks.
  • A Thermacol or Cardboard Mannequin of the person's favourite actor, actress, singer, musician, player, gadgets, politician can be made and placed at the entrance of the hall or house so that even people can click pictures with it.
  • A speech by few people at the event will add glory to the party.
  • you can even distribute things like sugar, jaggery or any other item of your choice as per the age of the person eg. if 60 years then 60 kg sugar can be distributed in small packets to the guests. This quantity can also be decided as per the weight of the person instead of years.
  • Make sure to play only those songs which they like throughout the event.
  • You can also have a birthday celebration at a hotel where there is live music. Chaubara 602 in Thane has live music. You can ask the musician to play and sing only his favourite songs.
Hope these surprises would make the event memorable and happening. Wish you all a happy day. Also suggest me if you come across with any new idea and comment on this blog. If you are liking my blogs do subscribe it for notifications.



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