Priceless Relation
Mother Child Relation A Woman gives birth to a child, but a child gives birth to a MOTHER in that woman. A great hats-off to all the mothers in this universe whose job or duty is priceless. It cannot be measured or weighed on any scale. A woman changes her whole life after being a mother. A mother lives and plans the future considering the child first and then herself. A daughter or a girl would never understand the real meaning of her mother unless she herself becomes a mother and it’s the mother only who understands the pain of her daughter once her daughter becomes a mother. Be it her own child or an adopted child, a mother will always care and sacrifice one point times more compare to a father. Despite all the pain she goes I still believe that being Mother is the happiest thing to be in the world. My Experience on the first sight of my child Every mother would still remember the first time they had held the baby in their hands or the first glimpse of ...